Monday, September 5, 2011

Pleasant SURPRISED Vacation........

   Hello everyone! Hope you all having a great Labor day weekend! One thing I know for sure I had a surprise vacation my husband had planned for us. He told me on Thursday that on Friday we are leaving and I had to pack.
  Where to? He did not say a thing more. So, Friday comes I  pick up my boys early from school since my MIL does not drive.
   Off we go to who knows where. Hubby, drives towards Naples. I'm like where we going still no word from him. Well, exactly 3 hrs driving we get to South Sea resorts in Captiva Island! I was in shock and surprised he set this up for me! With our crazy life style at home this gave us the opportunity to rest, catch up with things in our minds, clear our minds, and so on! One thing in mind I have everyday is Thanking God for blessing me with an Awesome Husband and Amazing kids! Faith is what keeps love strong. 
 1st day we got there.
 Enjoying the walk at the beach and watching the sunset

Want to thank my husband for this great vacation he planned for us!! Love you so much!

Have a great Labor Day weekend!!
Thanks for stopping by.


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