Friday, March 27, 2015

Mount Dora Renningers Antique

      It's spring break for my boys this week and we decided to take them to Orlando for 4 days.
We visited Sea World. What can I say all kids had a blast! Then the next day on Saturday we decided to finally see Mount Dora. I have been wanting to go there for a couple years but we just seem to either forget or not have enough time. This week we made it and we were really in AWE to visit the Renninger's Antique market. This place is huge. We were there for  2.5 hours with all 4 kids. Sadly, I didn't take 1 picture of that place. Strolling with 2 kids and the older 2 kept complaining they are tired, thirsty, hungry and so on... We only saw the antique part didn't go to the flea market side due to kids.                                          
                                                              Mount Dora Lake!

    There were so many things I wanted to get but I couldn't think straight with all kids with me. Let me tell you a little about it. If you plan to visit there here are some things you want to know.
1. Do NOT take kids.

2. Make sure you put some sun screen on.

3. Shop around all booths before buying.

4. They really Don't negotiate much on price.

5. You will need a good 2 days to visit both flea market and Antique.

6. Ask about the item you wanna purchase the history of it.

7. Go early it gets crowded 11am

8. Wear comfortable sneakers as you will be walking a lot and also through dirt.

I hope these little steps give you some advice what to except when you go.

I only bought 1 thing and sadly I forgot to ask about the piece when it was made or so on. That is because I had 4 kids complaining and also I think the guy felt sorry for me and I paid half the price he asked for it! Honestly, I can't wait to go back there soon with my husband. We both plan to go just the 2 of us! If you love Antique's this is the best place I have been to so far. Down in South Florida nothing compares to Mount Dora's.

What are  your thoughts of Mount Dora's Antique markets? Or any other Antique Markets in Florida you know that is good?

Have a blessed day!


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