Wednesday, February 19, 2014

5 + 1 = 6

This is my first post after 2 years. First, I want to share that we are a family of 6 now! Our family finally welcomed our daughter who is 13 months old now! Yes, after 3 boys God tested our faith and gave us a beautiful little girl! She is our Princess or should I say Tom Boy! (she is a tough girl that keeps up after 3 brothers)

Well as you know from my last posts hubby surprised me with a trip to Jamaica! During that time I was pregnant with my daughter but didn't know! You probably asking yourself how come I didn't know I was pregnant! The Truth is that I didn't know till I was 11 weeks along! Did I have symptoms? Not much. Finally, one day I told dh I have to see the doctor to see why I'm constantly sick all the time.I walked everyday and ate healthy couldn't understand why I kept getting sick every few days. My husband looks at me strange and says do you think you are pregnant? I laughed at him and said ask yourself that because we ain't trying? He looked so curious at me and said please take a pregnancy test before calling the doctor! So, the very next morning took boys to school stopped to Publix on my way back. Bought the test came home took it and surprisingly that did it. Positive! I was lost for words showed it to my dh and he was shocked but both of us were happy! So called my doctor saw him a week later to find out I was 12 weeks pregnant! When I told dh I was 12 weeks along first thing he said that this baby will be a girl! I was like ya right after 3 boys very low chance to have a girl! At 14 weeks pregnant had a sonogram the lady tried to see what I was having and said it looks like a girl but didn't want to give me the 100% that she was right cause she said it was early to tell still! At 20 weeks sonogram my dh saw her private parts first before the sonographer was able to say it was a GIRL! Hubby, my mom and I cried! I thank the Lord and also to our patron saint that we named our daughter after! Even though  most of the time I was in bed rest due to placenta previa. She came into this world on 1-2-13  weighing 8lbs! Here she is with her 3 brothers!

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