Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Homemade Liquid Hand Soap..

  This weekend I was on vacation with my hubby. We were in the lobby room because hubby wanted to ask for something. I sat down and skim through a couple magazines. One page caught my eye's was on making your own hand soap? It seem so easy. It only needed 3 ingredients. The reason why this caught my eye was, that I have so many bars of Ivory soap on hand!   Since, no one in my family cares about a bar of soap, why not try to make a hand liquid soap? Right??

  Well, I used Distilled water, bar of soap, &  glycerin (this is optional).

So, last night I decided to try and make it and see how it works out!

Here was the recipe I got from the magazine. I did it a little bit different..

Recipe says to use
1 cup grated thinly bar of soap. ( I however grated the whole bar came to 1 1/2 cups)
4 cups of Distilled water ( since I was using a little more of soap I decided to put 5 1/2cups of water)
1 tbsp glycerin ( I did not use this plus this is optional)

I know a lot of homemade soaps uses essential oils which I had in hand and put a few drops of Lavender to my soap. ( Again this is optional)

First, grate the bar of soap thinly. I used Ivory bar of soap and the whole bar came to 1.5 cups. I used the whole bar instead of 1 cup.

In a large pot add 4 cups of distilled water till about to steam.Then add 1 tbsp glycerin ( I did not use this), & your 1 cup grated soap. Stir till soap completely dissolves. Remove from heat and give it another couple minutes to stir.

Let the soap cool completely. I left mine for over an hour. Again I gave it another good stirring, then poured them in a hand soap container. The rest I saved it in a jar for later use.

My soap did come out a little bit watery, but next time I will put only 4.5 cups of water and see if this makes any difference. In the end, this cost me nothing, since I already had everything on hand!

Have you experimented with homemade liquid hand soaps? If so what's your favorite recipe?

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