Friday, September 16, 2011

Glowing mason jars..

    Last night, my kids wanted me to tell them silly stories. Once, I put baby down for sleep. I went in the kitchen and got 1 glowing stick and 2 mason jars. I cracked open the glow stick and poured it into the jars shaking them so they can spread everywhere. Took them in my kids room to surprise my boys with glowing mason jars. OH seeing them so happy and smiling from ear to ear.  They totally loved it. So, they closed there light in their bedroom and tv and we told each other little stories...It was so much fun!!

    Just one warning if you try this. Be careful when you crack open the glow stick it stained my shirt. So carefully open it!

    Here is a close up one!

 Have a great weekend!

 Thanks for stopping by!


  make sure you wash the jars the very next morning! Or other wise it stinks and sticks. So wash the very Next Morning!!

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