Tuesday, February 25, 2014

NV Nissan or Mercedes Sprinter Vans

    Nissan NV 3500 is our newest addition to our family! We knew we needed a new van soon. After, test driving around we tried to decide over Mercedes sprinter or Nissan NV? Once test driving was done we chose the NV Nissan. Best decision we made. We love the van. Its huge fits 12 passengers but right now I chose to remove 3 seats to make it 9 seat passengers. Every day, I drive my kids and the 2 Grandmas so this van fits us perfectly! To be honest It took awhile for my DH (husband) to decide our vehicle over the Mercedes.  After he starting reading Pros and Cons on both vans, he finally agreed with me to get the NV.

    I love that it has 2 power outlets  120 volts  in front and back for us to charge our I pads, laptops,cell phones and so on.. What sold us the most in the NV more than Mercedes was that the Mercedes didn't have air bags all around the cabin! We upgraded it to have rubber floors and back up camera with sensor. It has cup holders under every seat in the back. Since, we test drive both vans this vehicle is not as loud and noisy as the Mercedes.

   We already had it for 2 months and love it! I do get looks from people asking what is this a van or truck? Can't wait till we take our Bertie ( kids named it Bertie since it looks like a bus) on long road trips! We have done short road trips with all 8 of us comfortable. Without hearing the kids saying Mommy he is breathing on me, bothering me or so on...Now they have their space and love it. One thing it didn't come with was a built in DVD player. We do plan to add that soon so kids can enjoy watching movies. Here are  a few pictures.

Hope this helps for those who plan to buy a NV.

Thanks for stopping by..


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