Sunday, December 18, 2011

Prophesies- Saint Elder Paisios

Saint Elder Paisios: Prophesies

Elder Paisios spoke to many politicians and military officers about the upcoming events we’re going to face in the near future. Because of his entire holly life which is acknowledged by almost everyone in Greece and all over the world, the military in Greece as well as the government are prepared for all these events. Nobody speaks for them openly because they don’t want to cause panic but almost everyone has heard something or read something online about all these prophecies. Many believe that these events are going to start this or next year because many signs Elder Paisios spoke about have already started being seen.

Elder Paisios loved everybody deeply and genuinely. What he said it was for preparing people for what is going to come so that they can cope with that without desperation but with patience and prayer to God. He was constantly saying that all these bad developments must be done for some reasons and after that world will live in peace for many many years without even a single war. He was also saying that after these events so many people will be able to see more clearly and they will start believing in God and specifically in Jesus Christ. Many people will become Orthodox Christians, he said.

What Elder Paisios said for Turkey and Istanbul (Constantinople):

Elder Paisios had occasionally spoken to many people for what we’re going to see in the near future in Aegean sea and all over the world in general. He said he’ll have passed away at the time all those happen but as he emphasized the young people will see all those changes in the world. Before he died he said that he’d like to live 10-15 years more to see all those events. All he had said to every person while advising them came true and unfortunately the first signs of what he had said about Greece, Turkey, a third world war, the collapse of the European Union etc have started showing up. He said all these about 30 years ago…He always said that he loved all people from every country and he was so sad that some bad events will occur. He emphasized that although people In Greece and Turkey have so much in common, unfortunately, some politicians will create some serious conflicts that will have disastrous results for some countries and later on for all the big nations.

Below there are very briefly some of the revelations and prophecies that the Elder Paisios foretold: Unfortunately, Turkey is going to be severely damaged in the near future.  

…and then the Russian will intervene and after negotiations between the big powers-nations, Istanbul (Konstantinople) for some reasons will be given again to Greece  which will serve the benefits of the big countries.

He said to a military officer of high rank :  I’ll have passed away and I won’t be able to see you  in the march, when the Greek army will be marching in Istanbul.

All these prophesies sound a bit weird to someone who read about them for the very first time. But the Holiness of Elder Paisios is acknowledged not only by simple ordinary  and religious people but even from others who didn't believe, from distinguished doctors, lawyers, journalists, military leaders... And whatever he said to people has all come true... That's why everyone is sad with these thoughts in mind especially when they see that everything that Greece and the whole world is going through these years was foretold by Elder Paisios in every detail. Elder Paisios said that we cannot avoid that bad events because is the God's will for some reasons, but we can help with our prayers all these events be less devastating. He always stressed the importance of the prayer...

The Turkish military at one point will be more aggressive claiming that some neighboring Greek islands belong to them whereas all nations know full well that this is completely wrong and baseless.

When the Turkish fleet starts to head for some Greek islands and reaches six miles, unfortunately it is going to be destroyed.  But that is not going to be done by us.

That will be the beginning of the end ..

After that serious conflict between Greece and Turkey, there will be a war between Russia and Turkey. In the beginning, the Turkish will think that they win, but unfortunately, this will be their destruction. The Russians will eventually win and they will take the Istanbul-Constantinople in their hands. Then they will be forced for some reasons to give it to us.

Turkey will be severely damaged. From the Turkish population the  1 / 3 will go to where they started, in the depths of Turkey, 1 / 3 will be saved and they’re going to be Christians and  the last 1 / 3 unfortunately will be killed in that war.

Agia Sofia church will become Greek again after so many years.

Turkey will be divided into 3-4 part. We will take our land, the land we had in the past, the Armenians  their own and the Kurds their own. The Kurdish issue is underway. This will be done, not now, but soon, when this generation of politicians in Turkey will step down and a new one will govern the country. (it was said 20-25 years ago)

England and U.S.A will give us back Istanbul-Constantinople. 

Turkey, Elder Paisios said, will make only one attack to Greece but "we’re not going to have casualties at all.  What we’re going to face is only hunger for a few months. So, try to keep a small piece of land and have it cultivated so that you’ll be able to cope with that hard period."
When you hear on TV more and more frequently than the past that the relations between Turkey and Greece are more tense regarding the extension of the territorial waters between the two countries, the war is on the corner. (That has already started...)

After that attack of Turkey to Greece, the Russians will attack Turkey from the North for their own reasons. And you will see other European countries, namely England, France, Italy and the other six to seven countries of the EEC, to go over there, for taking their share of the Turkish land.  

The Greek government will make the decision not to send troops. We will keep the army only at the borders. And it is a great blessing that we’re not going to send troops because every country which will be involved in that war will be severely damaged.

The use of the waters of the Euphrates river  for irrigation from the Turkish will be a sign that the time has come for the big war that is coming.  (That has already started)

After those very bad events, Russia will continue the war to the Persian Gulf and will stop its troops out of Jerusalem. Then the Western powers will give notice to the Russians to withdraw their troops from those areas; that will take as long as it takes the cabbage to grow, that means 6 months. Russia, however, will not withdraw its forces. And then the Western powers will begin to assemble troops to attack the Russians. A great massacre will follow. The war that will break out will be global and Russians will be the losers. The cities will become slums. We, the Greeks will not participate in the global war.

As a civil engineer (Elder Paisios said to a young student of the University of Xanthi), you will help the rebuild of Istanbul-Constantinople because the City will be rebuilt from scratch.

Let's remember that Elder Paisios sympathized so much with people who encountered any kind of problems and when he was saying all this, many times was crying because he felt intense pain every time he saw a nation against another nation. But we cannot, as he said, do something when it is God's will for the reasons he knows... He only wanted people to be a little prepared so that they cope with all these events with patience and prayers having as a result the casualties be as less as possible. God always hears our prayers when come from deep inside, he always stressed. and he gives us what we ask him for.

Let's hope all these not happen... But in case they happen let's remember that we people and every nation have so much in common each other and we should live in peace opposing any agressive politician who likes creating conflicts for their own reasons every time...

Have a Blessed Sunday!

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