Friday, December 11, 2015

Funky Vintage desk/vanity makeover

I am excited about today's post. Another decoupage vanity/desk. One Sunday morning on my way to church, passing through some streets there was a huge garage sale. The stuff they had out on the yard caught my eyes.

My one son in the back goes Mommy are you going to stop at that yard sale?

Me: Hmm, Well, honey I think I am since we are early heading to church. So I made a u turn back to the huge yard sale. This person had so many vintage antique furniture. I kept going back and forth to which furniture piece to go after?  Had no choice but to get only 1 thing and make it quick.

So, I scored this beautiful antique desk.

It sat in the garage for about a whole week. Trying to decide what to do with it.

The day came and I decided how to work on it. Cleaned it up didn't bother to sand the bottom since I am painting it. First, had to work on the bottom leg had an extra piece was broken. I sanded used bondo to even it out. Hubby took a piece of wood and carved it to match with the other bottom pieces. Wood glued it and waited till it completely dried..
I completely forgot to take a picture of  it after I glued the bottom piece..

Once, it dried I spray painted the legs gold. For the bottom I wanted the color to be very light blue/grey. Saved me a trip to home depot. I mixed in 3 colors  that I already had to get the color I wanted!

Perfect! Primed twice and painted the body 3 coats.

 Next, was to flip it over and start working on the top I started to sand it and realized that it's not real wood! So, now I couldn't stain the top. Had no choice but to prime and paint it all the same color...

I painted the 3 upper drawers and then used a gold pen to trim around. The bottom 4 drawers got decoupage paper.  Last, sealed the whole desk with Polyacrilic 3 times.

So, here is my Funky Vintage decoupage desk/vanity

Thank you for stopping by!

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