Wednesday, April 1, 2015

DIY Succulents Antique toolbox

Are you all enjoying Florida's Spring weather? I sure am. Love being outside and doing some garden work. I am excited to share with you my newest project! I find a unique looking hand toolbox. I knew I wanted to add cactus plants to it.Off to Home Depot with all 4 kids. We had a so much fun picking all the different native cactus.

I drilled a few holes in the bottom of the toolbox. Now all the kids were digging their little hands in the potting mix to add in the tool box. My 2nd oldest child took all the cactus out from the little pots and boy this poor kid got pinched a few times but it didn't stop him from helping us. Once, all the kids finished designing the toolbox. It turned out AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL!

Here are the results!

Thanks for stopping by!


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