Saturday, January 3, 2015

DIY Foam board Cornice(( (Mission FAILED))))

I have been wanting to do a cornice board. After, searching so many blogs I decided to go with the foam board reading that it holds on pretty good and easy to do!! So, today I stopped by Walmart got my foam board and fabric came home and got to work!..

 Let me tell you it was hard trying to get the sides to stay straight with duck tape. It wouldn't hold up. Boy, I started to get annoyed almost gave up. Finally, somehow I went with it put the battling and fabric. Once, done I looked at it and said this mission FAILED>>>

 There is no way it will hold up even my husband came downstairs looked at me and said that this looks way to cheap. When time came to hang it up, nothing, worked for me!

So, if anyone is reading this and plans to use foam board! DO NOT DO IT and will repeat don't waste your money and time with foam board! Go with plywood and do it the right way. So, now I will be heading to home depot in the next few days and will get to work with wood!! Here are some pictures.
 Look at the sides. They are not straight up! So much duck tape and it did NOTHING!

Fabric $4.23
Foam board. $9.98
batting $4.98
Wasted money for nothing

Thanks for looking

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