Saturday, March 8, 2014

Papaya Hair Mask.

   I absolutely love this mask. Thanks to my wonderful neighbor sharing it with me. Let me begin first by telling you that I had no clue what papaya was. It all started after having my first child. When I got home from the hospital my neighbor knew that I was having problems with bowel movements. She went to her house and brought over to me a pear like fruit calling it Papaya. Right away she made me oatmeal with it. It worked.Well, I didn't take it serious till after having my 2nd child again same problem happened and my loving neighbor made me the papaya oatmeal along with a papaya smoothie.

  After that, I started to use papaya often in my home. Now this papaya mask is from my loving neighbor again. I'm so thankful for her sharing with me this lovely mask. There are so many great benefits of using papaya. Papaya is rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Papaya can also help in creating the volume by nourishing the hair. It gives my hair thick

ness.  Here are the ingredients I use for the mask..

half cup papaya cut in chunks
half cup yogurt
half ripe banana
1 teaspoon raw honey
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Blend all ingredients well and apply to damp hair. Wrap with a shower cap and allow it to stand for about 20 minutes. Now wash your hair and if you want its optional to use conditioner.

Have a Blessed day!

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