Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Easter Craft!

  This past weekend I finally got myself to make a quick stop at the dollar store and find cheap stuff for Easter crafting. It all cost me $4.00 dollars. So, yesterday I got my boys to make an Easter Egg Tree. Just be careful not to burn yourself with the hot glue gun as I did so many times.
Here is what you will need
2 bugs of Easter Eggs
1 styrofoam
1 package of grass
Hot glue gun

1st step
cut out the ribbon on the eggs

2nd step
cut your toothpick in half/ you can hot glue them as well..
pick the eggs on the styrofoam however you want

3rd step
Hot glue the grass to cover up the empty spaces.(Beware not to burn you fingers on this part).

4th All Done!

Have a great day!

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