Monday, May 9, 2011

Extreme couponers

As i watched the extreme coupon show, i realized that they are buying all junk foods,cleaning products & hygiene items. What i did not see was real food nor produce. I did not see fresh meat,milk,diary stuff nor bread. I'm curious to what they feed their kids. Crackers with mustard?? Seriously, who would buy 100 mustard when they have an expired date? Since i started to coupon the past few months, i have lowered my grocery bill significantly! I buy meat at a different grocery store that has pretty good deals. My produce & diary stuff i shop at Aldi's. Living in Florida no stores double here nor do i ever got food for free like the T.V shows. I do get a lot of cleaning,hygiene, beauty stuff free. That is about the most i can do. Regardless, this is a very rewarding hobby. It is also addicting too. It stretches the dollar especially in tough economic times such the ones we go through. 

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