Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CVS deal 11-30-11

Today's deal Happy Shopping!!!

6 pantene hairspray $1.25 each (clearance) used (3)- $3/2Mq 
1 herbal essence Shampo0 ($1.67) clearance -$1Mq
CVS bandaid (.50cents) clearance
1 crest tooth paste$1.19 clearance ( forgot to get her my coupon on this)

Total OOP $1.11 paid with my CVS gift card..
should of been  $.50cents cheaper since I forgot to give my crest coupon..Oh well.. I had a great shopping

Thanks for looking!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

School Bus Craft

  The boys are off for Thanksgiving the whole week. I had to come up with some projects to keep them busy. So, I decided for them to make a School bus out of an egg carton. They both enjoyed working on the craft together.

Here is what you will need:

Egg Carton
construction paper
paint brushes
black marker

1st step: Paint the egg carton yellow

2nd step: cut out a circle for the wheels and glue

3rd step: cut out faces from the magazines and glue into the windows of the bus.

4th step: Decorate as you wish
Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

CVS 11-27-2011


2 Tide $5.94 each  ( 2)-$2MQ
2 Pampers $19.00   -$2MQ
1 Dawn soap $.99cents  -$.50MQ

-$21.44 ECB

Total OOP $5.85 and got back $10cvs Gift card
When I say Total Out of pocket on my CVS deals. I include it with Tax!! I know some blogs post without tax.

Have a Blessed Sunday!!


Friday, November 25, 2011

CVS Black Friday Deal..

  Breathe Right $$5.99
  Theraflu .99cents
  Theraflu $1.87
  Advil $2.99
  Finish Quant $2.99
  Benefiber $1.49
  Cepacol $4.99
  Vanilla Haagen -Dazs Ice cream $4.99

I forgot how many coupons I had. Can't find my receipt!


Total OOP $3.55 and got back $23.31ECB

Have a Great Weekend!!!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

 Wishing everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving!!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beautiful Simple Pumpkin Centerpiece...

   With Thanksgiving one day away, I'm getting my pumpkins ready for my table!  Here, is one small pumpkin centerpiece. I cut out the top and got a nail to hold the top onto the pumpkin. Added the flowers and took down a moss wreath I had and used it along with my pumpkin...It's so cute and pretty!

Here is my big pumpkin!

Have a Blessed Wednesday!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CVS Deal 11-21-11

2 Garnier creme $5.00 each
1 Garnier make remover $5.00
Pamper $18.99
2 Ricola $1.50 each
Osteo Bi-Flex $9.99
Suvitel softner $1.13

Total $50.72

-.50cent Suvitel MQ
-$6.00 Osteo Bi-Flex MQ
-$3.00 CVS osteo Bi-Flex coupon
(3) -$1.00 Garnier MQ
-$5/$15 CVS Garnier coupon
-1.50 Ricola MQ
-$10 pamper MQ
-$11.50 ECB

Total OOP $10.28 and got $12.00 ECB



Monday, November 21, 2011

Bulgarian sunflower bread

   I have always wanted to make Bulgarian bread that I have seen on one Bulgarian blog. Finally, over this weekend I decided to try and make it. The results of this bread were amazing. It came out fluffy, easy & really good! Here is the recipe:

4 cups Flour
2 eggs + 1 egg yolk for spreading 
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or 1 tablespoon lemon juice 
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 
1 tablespoon sugar 
1 tsp salt  
1 cup warm milk
1 stick butter melted 
1 package yeast

Eggs & Milk should be room temperature
Dissolve yeast in 1TBSP sugar,1TBSP Flour, 1/2cup warm milk. Let it foam for 5 minutes. Beat eggs, salt, milk & oil. Slowly add flour, vinegar & yeast. Toss the rest ingredients in. Knead for 10 minutes.  Let dough rise for 1 hour. Divide the dough in 4 parts.

Roll out each dough into a nice round circle. Coat each dough with melted butter and lay each on top of.

Put a cup in the middle and cut like a flower
Twist each piece
Cover bread for another 30minutes to rise
Now that its risen, add 2TBSP milk 1 egg yoke and beat. Brush on top of bread and add Sesame seeds if you wish.

Now Bake at 350 for 35-40mins

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Re-Vesting of the Relics of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco

The Re-Vesting of the Relics of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco

On Tuesday, October 25, 2011, the relics of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco were re-vested by the assembled clergy of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. I was privileged to be present at and to participate in this rite and would like to share it with the members of our diocese and my parishioners.
The relics of incorrupt saints are re-vested periodically. The re-vesting is an opportunity to examine the condition of the relics and the reliquary that houses them, and is an important part of our care for the saint. Some saints are re-vested frequently (for example, St. Spyridon’s slippers are famously replaced every year as they become worn); others are re-vested less frequently. In the case of St. John, this is the first re-vesting of the Saint to take place since his Glorification seventeen years ago.
The rite was announced to us during the morning session of our Pastoral Conference, during which Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) described the rubrics for the service. At Vladyka Kyrill’s suggestion, most of the clergy fasted from lunch that day to prepare for the service. All the clergy had Confession during the evening Vigil and exchanged forgiveness with each other.
Present (if I counted correctly) were the Archbishop, 23 priests and hieromonks, four protodeacons and deacons, a schema-monk, and two readers. Several of the clergy had been present during the original inspection, translation, and/or vesting of the relics prior to the glorification of the Saint in 1994.
The rite began about 8:30 pm. The doors of the Cathedral were locked, and the Moleben Before the Beginning Any Good Work was served before the relics of the Saint. This was followed by the Magnification (Velichanie), after which the clergy venerated the relics. Archimandrite Irenei gave a brief exhortation, reminding us that while none of us was worthy to participate, our love and duty to the Saint required us to fulfill our obedience.
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Pre-assigned groups of clergy then moved the reliquary and its stand from the shrine to the center of the cathedral, behind a long table covered with (and placed upon) sheets of white linen. All the priests took their places on either side of the reliquary by rank, with the Archbishop upon his cathedra at the head, and their hands were washed by the readers. The deacons ascended the amvon, and censed continually during the service.
Each priest had an assigned task in the divesting and vesting, according to rank (my particular duty was to remove, and later replace, the Saint’s pectoral cross). The tasks closest the Saint’s person (e.g., podriznik, podriasnik, and the like) were performed by the monastics. Besides assigned specific tasks, one would help as needed at any point assistance was required. Clergy not involved in particular steps would move to cliros, where the moleben for Saint was chanted.
After the reliquary was opened, the Saint’s relics were inspected, and no problems noted. The relics were transferred by six senior protopriests to the linen-covered table, and the divesting begun. While this was taking place, other priests cleaned the interior and seals of the reliquary. Any particles from the old vestments and relics were carefully placed in a separate reliquary box provided for this purpose. The old vestments themselves were likewise collected for future veneration by the faithful. When the divesting was complete, the relics were washed with rose water, and the vesting began.
It is difficult to describe the compunctionate and grace-filled atmosphere that pervaded the Cathedral. While everyone was anxious to perform the rite properly and with the greatest of care, a feeling of peace was shared by all. Tears were seen on more than one face. The service itself seemed ‘out of time’. Estimated to take about ninety minutes, the rite actually required three-and-one-half hours – but no one seemed to notice.
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When the vesting was complete, the Saint’s relics were reverently placed back into the reliquary, which was then sealed and returned to the shrine, after which the Saint was venerated a final time by the assembled clergy and monks.
An interesting observation was made on Wednesday morning at the Hierarchal Liturgy. Many of the clergy had served ten hours on Tuesday and were approaching twenty hours of fasting (as the rite ended after midnight and all were to receive Communion the following morning). We older clergy, especially, should have been on our last legs at that point, but no one felt more than a slight tiredness. The grace of the Saint continued to carry us through the day.
I think none of us who participated in the rite shall ever forget it, but will carry the memory of this personal encounter with the Saint for the rest of our lives.
Wondrous is God in His saints! Holy Hierarch Father John, pray to God for us!
Priest James BAGLIEN
St. Martin the Merciful Church,
Corvallis, Oregon

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Family pictures taken

   Hi all! How is your weekend going! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Today, I'm posting my family picture's that were taken last weekend. Ana did some great shots with my family. She did an amazing job for a reasonable price. If anyone is interested in getting picture's taken, take a look at her site

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Craft Stick Wreath..

    Today, I decided to have the boys make a wreath out of sticks! It was simple to make with my 5 year and 4 year old. Here is what you will need..

15 craft sticks
pom pom
beads anything you want to decorate with it.

1st step Make a pentagon shape and glue the sticks. Make 3
2nd step: Color the pentagons

3rd step : Glue another pentagon together and glue in on top, slightly tilted to the left. Then glue the 3rd pentagon on top,slightly titled also.

4th step: Decorate however you wish

And here is what my 2 boys made!

Look how my 2nd son decided to decorate his wreath..with the snowman stick we made before.

 Have a blessed Thursday!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Knead Bread...

   Over this weekend my cousin's fiance sent a recipe to my other cousin that lives overseas on facebook. When I saw this recipe I knew I had to try to make this NO knead Bread! This bread was so easy and simple but takes awhile for it rise!   Here is the recipe below! The only thing I did different was I added cornmeal along with the flour when letting it rise for 2hrs before it goes in the oven!  Thanks Sam for sharing this recipe!!!
3 cups all-purpose flour (384 grams)
¼ teaspoon rapid rise yeast (1.25 grams)
 1 tablespoon salt (15 grams)
1.5 cups warm/tepid water (355 milliliters)
Additional flour for dusting

Place flour, salt and yeast into a large bowl and mix briefly. Pour in water and mix until flour is incorporated. Dough will appear rough; do not over mix.

Cover bowl with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for 18 – 22 hours. The dough will have risen and have visible bubbles on the surface when ready.

Dump onto a movable floured surface (disposable plastic cutting boards work well here, facilitating turning into the pot later). Let dough rest 15 minutes (optional), then with floured fingers or dough knife fold each of 2 sides half way over the top. Cover with lightly floured plastic wrap (or two floured dish towels, above and below, which stick to this wet dough). Let rise for 2 hours.

Turn on oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (232 Celsius) 30 minutes before bread is to be baked. Place a heavy pot (with lid), such as a large Le Crueset into the preheating oven for the 30 minutes.

When the dough has risen for 2 hours, remove the pot from the oven and dump bread into the dry pot, seam side down, shaking the pot to spread bread. Do not worry if it’s not even or symmetrical. Replace cover on the pot and return to oven.

Cook covered for 30 minutes; remove cover and bake and additional 15 minutes. The bread should become deeply browned. Flip the bread, which should come easily from the pot, onto a cooling rack.

 In the hot pot getting ready to bake

 It was Divine!!

Thanks for stopping by!